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Lace Hunt

LACE HUNT LACE HUNT This song talks about the legacy that my grandfather left me and which will leave with him the day he leaves. It recreates the progress of a hunt, a fight between the game and the hunter. It is also a metaphor for our demons which chase away our desire to survive and prevent us from being free, the excitement of life through trials. THE GALLOP This composition imitates a flight, galloping without knowing where we are going in order to save ourselves, to find the end of the world in order to find freedom there. TO THE LIGHT This song has a double meaning. She speaks of difference through the contradictions of our time and of...


Louis Jarno

Here are a few lines briefly retracing the key events that are explicit in my opinion of what brought me to this point.At the age of 6, an imaginary world was unconsciously shaped around me with period disguises directly illustrated by the film Marie-Antoinette by Sofia Coppola. Then, at 10 years old, fascinated by the world of Michael Jackson which always nourishes my passion for costume, singing, stage, precursor of my interest in creation. That’s when I took dance lessons to fully immerse myself in this king of pop. At 14, after seeing a film about the fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent, I realized that this profession would become my vocation. I thus began to draw my first fashion and...



SUMMER GARDEN WEDDING THE ENCOUNTER This song is about an unexpected love at first sight. From there, she introduces the imagination of a love story. THE ENGAGEMENT This song is about the ultimate test in a love story, the one that secures and unites two hearts that beat in the eyes of all. It highlights the angst of the marriage proposal, the fear of unrequited feelings, the last step to promise yourself infinite love before it's too late, the urge to move on to a new step that's going well beyond love, commitment. SUMMER GARDEN WEDDING This song symbolizes the collection but also the paintings through the wedding ceremony. After a light discourse on the past, the present and the...


Saint Louis Island

SAINT LOUIS ISLAND IN MY HEAD This song briefly talks about the state I was in before I started. SAINT LOUIS ISLAND This song is about my first love. The one who locks us in a bubble. A strong, passionate but superficial love that has no future. It's an idyllic world that doesn't exist and that makes us make mistakes. Then there is this break; a new pain and a fear of no longer finding the sensations of happiness. But a new path opens up which leads us to grow and open up to what love, life really is and to believe in it strongly. This song ends with optimism, a stronger, healthier, more generous encounter and the desire to...
